Access EIS investments for August 2023

In August we added two startups to the Access portfolio, co-investing alongside one of our angel investors in each case (for more on our super angels and our co-investment model, see our dedicated page).

Read on for more about our latest investments. If you would like to receive this update each month, sign up for our newsletter here.

Pencil Biosciences

Pencil Biosciences is developing an innovative gene editing technology that can have an impact across a range of applications, including new therapeutic options for patients with rare diseases.

Pencil Biosciences

Angel: Our angel partner in the round has a weighted IRR of 34% and has previously invested in companies including Celixir, Sense Biodetection and Bank of Telecom.

Total Round: approx. £700,000

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Name currently witheld

This company has created a network for employee referrals. They've asked us not to give any further details until their own press goes live.

Angel: Our angel partner in the round has a weighted IRR of 32% and has previously invested in The Plum Guide, Plentific & Learnerbly

Total Round: approx. £730,000.

Find out more about how the Access EIS Fund can work for you. You can click the button below to schedule a call, or call us on 01223 478 558 and we'll be happy to answer any questions you might have.

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Read our fund brochure for everything you need to know about the Access EIS Fund, from the specifics of our innovative co-investment model to our fees, and how to invest.

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