8 June 2023
7 minute read
Beat the allowance cuts with EIS capital gains tax relief
### Say goodbye to that allowance
Feel that? That was the feeling of the annual capital gains exempt amount reducing by more than half, and if you didn’t feel it yourself, your accountant certainly did.
As of April 2023, the annual capital gains tax exempt amount has been reduced from £12,300 to £6,000. This means that for any gain you realise – such as the profit made on selling a second home, or perhaps more importantly for investors, on selling stocks or shares – you will have to pay tax on everything over £6,000 of it.
Quick example: Bought shares at £10,000, sold them at £20,000 -> £10,000 profit, £6,000 exempt, capital gains tax is payable on £4,000.
If you’re already adjusted to this new reality, don’t get too comfortable. In April 2024, the exempt amount will be halved again to £3,000.
### What should investors be doing?
For anyone...