Investor returns have been dwindling for years in the popular asset classes, with recent global events like Brexit and Trump adding more volatility to the markets. The low-yield investor environment we’re experiencing is the new normal.
And people are being seriously affected by it.
Rise of the growth hunters provides a comprehensive body of evidence for the long-term returns and significant growth potential of investing in startups.
Most importantly, it’s a call to the whole industry – investors, advisors, bankers, entrepreneurs, platforms, commentators, regulators and the government – to tear down these barriers. With investor demand at record highs, now is the time to work together to keep building a more accessible and transparent asset class.
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So many young, ambitious companies have been able to come to market in the past few years and have gone on to do great things, whilst delivering long-term value in the process. What this research shows is the considerable value that these companies can unlock, in an environment of growing demand and greater access to finance.
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