Page 4 of our latest investment opportunities

Want to join our latest investment opportunities?

Discover startups that we recently backed. We’ve checked the details of each description at time of writing, though these may change. Please enjoy as general information only.

Our fund is open for investment. For more information see here or if you have questions then please get in touch.

    • 11-May-21

      Access EIS invested in ScaleXP ScaleXP provides tools to drive faster growth through automated, insight driven reports. ScaleXP

    • 10-May-21

      Access EIS invested in EXi EXi is an evidence-based, NHS approved and award-winning app which analyses user health and fitness and prescribes a personalised physical activity programme. EXi

    • 27-Apr-21

      Access EIS invested in Dropless Dropless is a fully digital service that allows you to easily schedule, manage and pay for a car wash or valet in seconds. Dropless

    • 21-Apr-21

      Access EIS invested in Picfair Picfair is an online marketplace for photographers to sell their work that handles sales, logistics, licensing and production of prints. Picfair

    • 31-Mar-21

      Access EIS invested in Thrive Thrive is an evidence-based smartphone application providing in-depth tools and support to help users improve their mental wellbeing. Thrive

    • 23-Mar-21

      Access EIS invested in BKwai BKwai delivers insights to engineers using world-class research and applied technology to support a more resilient built environment. BKwai

    • 1-Mar-21

      Access EIS invested in Hoptroff A network-delivered, traceable, and highly accurate timing solution deployed via software to makes sure your technology is always on time. Hoptroff

    • 1-Mar-21

      Access EIS invested in Kuano Kuano is de-risking and accelerating drug discovery by combining quantum and AI. Kuano

    • 25-Feb-21

      Access EIS invested in OneBanks A physical presence for digital banks. OneBanks

    • 17-Feb-21

      Access EIS invested in Zentraxa Using precision bioengineering to push the boundaries of what can be achieved with synthetic biopolymers. Zentraxa

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