Page 8 of our latest investment opportunities

Want to join our latest investment opportunities?

Discover startups that we recently backed. We’ve checked the details of each description at time of writing, though these may change. Please enjoy as general information only.

Our fund is open for investment. For more information see here or if you have questions then please get in touch.

    • 28-Apr-20

      Access EIS invested in Oxwash Space-age laundry service. Backed by Twitter co-founder. Oxwash

    • 21-Apr-20

      Access EIS invested in STARSTOCK Online wholesale for the drinks industry. STARSTOCK

    • 21-Apr-20

      Access EIS invested in Mintago Unbiased financial education. Mintago

    • 21-Apr-20

      Access EIS invested in Kluster Enterprises Build your sales machine. Kantar Media are customers. Kluster Enterprises

    • 21-Apr-20

      Access EIS invested in Lumi-Plugin Bringing indoor lighting into the 21st Century. Lumi-Plugin

    • 21-Apr-20

      Access EIS invested in Thermulon Fire-resistent, affordable building insulation. Thermulon

    • 03-Apr-20

      Access EIS invested in Nix&Kix “Grown-up” soft drinks with added chilli. Stocked in Tesco, Sainsburys & all good supermarkets. Nix&Kix

    • 03-Apr-20

      Access EIS invested in Rota Geek Machine learning-driven workforce management. Pret-a-Manger, O2 and Dune are customers. Rota Geek

    • 03-Apr-20

      Access EIS invested in NX3 Technologies AI-powered note taking assistant. Harvard and Cornell universities are clients. NX3 Technologies

    • 25-Mar-20

      Access EIS invested in Zeigo Zeigo is a renewable energy tech platform that aims to standardise and simplify aggregated procurement of renewable energy from medium and large enterprises to facilitate deployment. Zeigo

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