SyndicateRoom makes the investment process as simple and intuitive as possible for our investors and their advisers while providing everything you need to monitor your portfolio and claim tax benefits with minimal administrative burden.
Investments into S/EIS funds are illiquid and your capital is at risk.
EIS tax reliefs
Up to 30% income tax relief.
The maximum investment that can be claimed on in a single year is £1m. This annual maximum rises to £2m if investments are made in Knowledge Intensive Companies (KICs).
0% tax on EIS gains.
If EIS shares are sold at a profit, any gain made on that investment is tax free.
Capital gains deferral.
Any gain you make through selling other assets can be reinvested in EIS, and deferred for as long as the investment is held.
Inheritance tax relief.
EIS shares are exempt from inheritance tax, as they qualify for Business Property Relief (BPR), but shares must have been held for two years prior to death.
Loss relief.
Loss relief allows investors to offset a loss on an EIS investment against their income tax or capital gains tax bill.
SEIS tax reliefs
Up to 50% income tax relief.
The maximum investment that can be claimed on in a single year is £200,000.
0% tax on SEIS gains.
If SEIS shares are sold at a profit, any gain made on that investment is tax free.
50% capital gains exemption on a gain arising in the same year.
Any gain you realise that arises in the same tax year as your investment can receive 50% exemption.
Inheritance tax relief.
SEIS shares are exempt from inheritance tax, as they qualify for Business Property Relief (BPR), but shares must have been held for two years prior to death.
Loss relief.
Loss relief allows investors to offset a loss on an SEIS investment against their income tax or capital gains tax bill.
Key documents
Click the fund documents below to download. For our full document library, including our white papers, independent reports on the fund and more, click here.